We’ve been married for 4 years!

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4 YEARS!! How is that even possible? Time really flies Subhanallah. But we must be the worst couple ever when it comes to remembering our wedding anniversary šŸ˜…

Two days ago was our wedding anniversary. (yes, we had our wedding party on the 18th of August but we got islamically married on the 25th of August a year earlier. I count our wedding anniversary on that date because that’s when we officially became husband and wife. Anyway).

We both forgot about our wedding anniversary. Again. Just like last year šŸ˜… That’s twice in a row now! How do we manage to do that?! We donā€™t even have a bunch of kids who distracts us, so that’ just a mystery for me šŸ˜†

One of the very few photos we have. Sorry about your chopped ear honey šŸ˜…

Before I got married I always told myself that I’d never forget about my partners birthday and our wedding anniversary. I’ve been good with the first one, but not the last one. But itā€™s oddly comforting anyway, that we both forgot about it. It would be worse if only one of us remembered it and made plans. That would be so embarrassing and awkward. So i’m just happy that we both forgot about it.

Unfortunately we are both in different counties right now so itā€™s hard to celebrate. My plan was to have a photoshoot together. Me in a white dress and hubby in a beige suit in front of a castle near our house in Denmark (because I was so dissatisfied with our wedding photos I’d do anything to retake them!) and then we’d go out on a date and spend the night together. Maybe a romantic dinner for two. We havenā€™t been on a date for so long now when I think about it. I can’t even remember the last time we went on a date. Was it last year in Germany? Maybe, I have no idea. We need to do that soon anyway. Hopefully in 2 weeks when we meet again Inshallah. I canā€™t wait! šŸ˜

We have also something planned in 2 months!! It’s gonna be awesome Inshallah. I’m so excited about that but more about it later.

So with that said. Happy anniversary to the both of us and may the future be just as bright as the sun! ā˜€ļø Inshallah

Read about my engagement story here!

Read more about how I planned my wedding, when I designed my dress and when I got married!

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