dream 36

Visit morocco

During the month of June, it was time for the holy month of fasting, Ramadan. Me and my family wanted to experience something new and actually feel the Ramadan spirits we didn’t feel in Sweden. We decided to pack our bags and travel to Morocco.

We rented a big villa in a city called L’arashe. It was a very small city near the sea and it was absolutely calming and beautiful. We rented a car too and drove to other cities like Fas, Asilah, Rabat and Tangier.

One morning, my father had thrown the garbage in the wrong place. And when we came back from the evening prayer, our neighbor came up to us and started yelling about the garbage. We started to talk and after that day we became best friends! It was a very funny moment. She was a very strong, happy and well educated woman. We started to hang out. We went to the beach and it was the first time that I ever swam at the beach. It was amazing!

We became friends with all the neighbors. They were very friendly and invited us almost everyday for iftar. They took us also to see beautiful and historical places in Morocco.

Morocco is definitely a country to visit. The architecture and the colors of the cities are so beautiful. The food was ok, I guess we didn’t really know where to eat. But if I had the chance to visit Morocco once again Inshallah, I’d love to go to Marrakech. 

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