Hello February! New month – new goals

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Alhamdolillah, I’m happy to witness February this year and I’m excited about what Allah has written for me. I also love the fact that February begins on a Monday this year, and ends on a Sunday. I mean can it get more perfect than that?!

It’s a new month and I’ve got new goals too. I’m not going to share all my main goals here on my BlogPod but I’ll list a few.

  • I want to lose another kg.
  • I want to rehearse one chapter from the holy Quran.
  • I want to get a job!
  • I want (actually have to) hand in ALL of my assignments

I also have som subgoals

  • I want to read one book
  • I want to create my web shop for my jewelry brand RAFAHA
  • I want to do at least 2 dreams of my Dream jar

Last month my life situation was a little bit crazy but hopefully this month will be more stable for me. Bismillah, let’s enjoy this month and may it be productive and fun!

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