A strawberry cake is like summer on a plate

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My hormones are all over the place lately. I’m feeling bored and depressed and It’s because of my period, I know. I’ve been watching “Cable girls” on Netflix and crying my eyes out at every emotional scene. 😅 And yesterday I cried myself to sleep. I hate getting my period because of this extreme depression phase I go through at the end of my period. EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. Oh God please make it easier for me 😭 The worst part is when my husband asks me why I’m sad? and I don’t have an answer to that because I don’t know. Oh poor hubby, he did everything to cheer me up and shower me with comfort and love ❤️

Ok, so let’s talk about the title of this BlogPod post. Yesterday at 9 pm I noticed that the strawberries in the fridge were starting to get bad. So I decided to make strawberry jam. I’ve never done jam before on my own so I was excited to try it out and it turned out perfect! And while I was in the kitchen doing the jam, I thought to myself, “well, let’s just make a strawberry cake!”. I saved some of the good strawberries to put them on top of the cake. I made a basic vanilla and sugar cake, cut it in half and added the strawberry jam I made earlier. Unfortunately I didn’t have any whipped cream so I mixed some philadelphia cheese with powdered sugar and a small amount of lemon juice. And then I covered the entire cake with the icing and garnished the top with some strawberries.

Homemade strawberry jam

I can’t believe that I baked a cake from scratch and garnished it and all! I’ve never done that before. And I made a cake with homemade strawberry jam as well. Well that’s an achievement since I’m not that good when it comes to baking. I’m so happy with the turnout and it tasted so good! I put it in the fridge overnight and I was so excited about the thought of having strawberry cake for breakfast 😋 I love eating cake for breakfast. It’s so unhealthy but so tasty. And that’s the story of the title.

I’ll get back at watching the rest of episode 6 of “Cable girls” now and then hopefully I’ll do all the things on my “To do list” today.

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