Yes, I consider myself a luxurious housewife. I’m a stay-at-home wife. I take care of the household, myself and my husband. I study from home and I do some freelancing when I feel for it. I pursue my dreams and I enjoy doing my hobbies. I eat at restaurants when I don’t feel for cooking at home and I go shopping whenever I feel for it. I have no kids and no other responsibilities and I travel whenever I want to. If that isn’t a luxurious lifestyle then I don’t know what it is.
But to be honest, it’s getting boring!
I grew up in a household where I was taught to be productive. I don’t feel productive and I don’t feel like I’m contributing anything to this society. And I’m not stimulated whatsoever. Being a housewife has been fun for the past 4 years, but everything has its limit. And I’ve reached mine.
I started working from the age of 15 until the age of 24. That’s when I got married and moved to Germany. I didn’t stop working because of the fact that I got married. I stopped working because I started to live an unstable lifestyle. My husband worked for the same company but had different projects in all the countries we lived in. I was his partner and I just rolled with it. So I decided to be a housewife
A. Because it sounded fun and different
B. Because why not?
Being a housewife by the way is a job too. We clean, go grocery shopping, we do the laundry, we cook for dinner and we do all the housework basically. And if we had kids, we’d be running after them too. In Sweden, being a housewife has kind of a negative vibe to it, while in Germany it’s more respected. That’s just my observation by the way it’s not facts.
Anyway! I decided to get a 9 to 5 job! Yaaaay. I can finally socialize, leave the house, be in a different environment and have my own income. I can’t wait to drive to work tomorrow. I’m SO frikkin’ excited!!!
I can be a housewife again soon in the future Inshallah. When I have my own house/apartment and a few kids to raise and take care of. That would be more fun. But for now, I’d rather work a 9 to 5 job than being a luxurious housewife!
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