A lovely trip to Copenhagen

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Assalam alaikom and happy Monday!

Yesterday, we took the car and drove to Copenhagen to spend the entire day together in this lovely city. We rented a powerboat and drove for about an hour around the lake. It was so much fun! It was crowded though since the weather was amazing. We drove by a lot of boats and the people were so nice smiling and waving every time they passed by us. The sun was very strong though and we got a headache afterwards.

We got very hungry after the lovely boat trip and decided to eat in a restaurant downtown. And by the way!! Denmark is a bit different from Sweden when it comes to Covid-19. You have to show a negative Corona test to eat at a restaurant. But you don’t pay for the test like in Sweden. It’s free to do a test here in Denmark.

So, we found plenty of restaurants and decided to try out a Lebanese one called Shawarma Grill-House. The food was ok, nothing special to be honest. The meat was delicious but everything else was kind of average. Even the fries had a different taste from regular fries. It was nice but I don’t think I’d go and eat there again.

After filling our stomachs Alhamdolillah we went for a walk around the city and did some window shopping. And then we drove back home and fell asleep (actually I fell asleep as soon as I sat in the car 😂 my poor husband, I always fall asleep every time we go for a car trip). We were sooo tired. I love the summer weather in Scandinavia but I do feel that the sun makes me so tired and sleepy. Am I the only one?

Here is a short video of yesterday 😊 I wish us all a happy and productive week.

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