The last 10 days of the holy month of Ramadan

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Assalam alaikom BlogPod fam!

I’ve missed BlogPoding so much!! Especially the Poding part since I’ve lent my microphone for the Ramadan Calendar Project (more about it down below) I hope and pray and will Inshallah post more regularly after Eid. Told you, I’ve got problems with consistency 😅

Ramadan has been amazing this month Alhamdolillah. I’m just happy that I’ve had the opportunity to be with my family this month. In Ramadan 2019 I was in Germany with my husband. In 2020 I was in The Netherlands all by myself. So I’m super grateful for this years Ramadan.

Ramadan 2019 (Germany) 🇩🇪
Ramadan 2020 (The Netherlands) 🇳🇱

This Ramadan we launched the first Ramadan Calendar ever in Sweden, as I mentioned, which is an audio program on Youtube. This entire project was made in only 3 months and we are very exhausted after almost 4 months of working non stop every day. Even during Ramadan we’ve been working 24/7 with editing and illustrating each episode for everyday. Hopefully we will work earlier with next years Ramadan Calendar so we can enjoy it more and benefit more from this month when it comes to other forms of Ibadas. But Alhamdolillah it’s the 10 last days of Ramadan and we are very happy with this project. The feedback we’ve received from parents, children, students and teachers at schools are just overwhelming and that’s what keeps us pushing more and more.

Here is the latest episode if you’ve missed it by any chance. All the episodes are in Swedish right now but we are planning on translating the episodes to reach a wider audience so more children can enjoy the program and benefit from it Inshallah!

I hope that we’ll witness Laylat Al Qadr this year Inshallah and may all your wishes and prayers come true! May Allah give us all the strength to give our everything now in the last 10 days of Ramadan. And may Allah accept our prayers and guide us in life. Amin!

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