Wooohoo! Assalam alaikom and welcome to the relaunch of rafifalhashmi.com, previously called rafifproduction.com.
It took me a couple of weeks to get everything done, but here we are with a brand new website and a brand new layout that I absolutely love! I’ve missed writing and BlogPodding SO much.
There are a total of 6 main pages on this website: The home page, the about page, the services page, the dream jar page, the BlogPod page and last but not least the contact page. Just like my previous website. The only difference for 2021 is that I’ve decided to delete the instagram account for my dream jar, and to just keep it on my website. So there will be no dream jar updates on instagram anymore. I may talk about some of my new dreams for this year on my BlogPod or my personal Instagram account if I feel for it, but nothing more than that.
Oh, and the Dream jar page has a totally new layout so don’t forget to check it out as well!
So, a very warm welcome to my new website! I’m very excited about 2021 in general, to share my experiences here on my website and to update my BlogPod about my journey in life.